We Provide our patients with the best standard facility and accommodate every individual treatment with an ease.

image 1 Fitness Equipment

It is used for pre natal and post natal exercise.

image 2 C .P Child standing frame

It is used for regain balance,musucle strength Mainly used in development delayed children.

image 3 Therapeutic Or Excersice ball/Bollster

It is used for strengthing,toning,balancing of the muscules.

image 4 Shoulder pulley excerciser

It is used mainly for shoulder strengthing,coordination and toning of the musucle.

image 6 Ankle Exerciser

It is used for ankle strenghting exerises.

image 5 Twister

It is mainly used for lower extrimity excerises

image 7 Static Cycle/Cross trainer

It is mainly used for co-ordination exercises and knee strengning exercises.