GK Physiotherapy Centre has been providing comprehensive services in the treatment, prevention
and consultation of the following:.
Pregnancy Physiotherapy:
In the midst of all the personal excitement and medical management of pregnancy and later a new born little consideration is usually given to the physical preparation and rehabilitation of the mother. Even in the most healthy and uncomplicated of pregnancies the woman undergoes rapid changes in posture, joint stability, respiration and muscle function.
There is strong evidence to suggest that many of these adaptions do not spontaneously resolve after delivery thus leaving the mother vulnerable to musculo-skeletal compromises and dysfunctions in the short and/or long term. This , compounded with normal or unexpected amounts of pelvic floor and/or abdominal trauma during delivery along with the physical demands of breastfeeding creates a situation in which poor muscle habits can develop, become entrenched , ultimately leading to spinal, abdominal and pelvic floor dysfunction..
We are committed to providing individual post-partum musculo skeletal and pelvic floor assessment and education that will help all postpartum women to identify how their bodies have changed . This along with an individually tailored exercise regime enables women to be pro active in resolving or managing these changes..
For women planning on becoming pregnant , physiotherapy assessment can identify any muscle weaknesses or imbalances that can be improved to achieve optimal physical preparedness for childbearing..