GK Physiotherapy Centre has been providing comprehensive services in the treatment, prevention and consultation of the following:.

Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT):

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Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT) is a problem solving assessment and treatment approach for children with neurological impairments or a delay in their motor skills. Low or high muscle tone, as well as poor strength may cause dysfunction in postural control and movement. This leads to limitations in function and/or delay in motor skills. We are trained in NDT therapeutic handling, assessment, observation and movement analysis. With this information, a treatment program can be developed. Children with cerebral palsy, brain injury or developmental delay may benefit from this form of treatment.

Cuevas-Medek-Exercises (CME or MEDEK):

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Cuevas-Medek-Exercises, also know as CME or Medek treatment, consists of a series of very specific exercises designed to strongly provoke the child´s automatic righting responses, part of the postural motor control mechanism. In this way, the child learns to work against the influence of gravity, thought to be the driving force behind successful movement. As movement responses to the exercises improve, the child develops better skills such as head and trunk control, standing and walking. Children with gross motor delay may benefit from this type of therapy.


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Kinesio Tape is specialized tape designed with an elastic component. It is designed to mimic qualities of the human skin and provides a stimulus via a recoil effect. This gives it the unique ability to promote tissue healing and function by reducing pain and swelling. It also can be applied to help activate weaker muscles and relax tight muscles. Therapists are specially trained in it´s unique application. Kinesio Tape® has been used effectively in children with a wide range of musculoskeletal or neurological conditions.